Participant Protocols for online CPD

Getting ready for the session

Make sure that you have the zoom link to access the session. You will be sent this link prior to the session by email. The link is personal to you and must not be shared with others. One person per registration is permitted as part of each course booking.

Timing expectations- please use the link to login 10 minutes before the session starts so that it can start on time. You will be held in a virtual waiting room and the session host will invite you in.

Please make sure you have your name displayed on your screen when you log in so that we can all get to know each other quickly in the session. There is a Rename function on zoom that you can use to make sure the correct name is alongside your face.

If you have an urgent problem with your zoom login please contact 0117 9030337.

What you will need

Paper, pen, coloured pens, camera (for questions), post its

Action plan printed out to use in the session- this will be sent to you by email prior to the session and is a useful way to gather follow up actions as you think of them.

During the session

Professional learning community agreement

These sessions are offered in the context of a professional learning environment. Please ensure that you are aware of the importance of managing distractions for yourself and others eg. pets, young children, background noise, light or movement.

Safeguarding/confidentiality- please also be aware of the importance of ensuring that there is nothing in your screen background that might be inappropriate or jeopardise confidentiality or safeguarding.

The session will not be recorded and must not be recorded by participants.


Please turn your camera on and use the chat function to contribute and make the session as interactive as possible. You can communicate with just the facilitator or to everyone using the chat.

Breakout rooms will be used to facilitate small group discussion and are a valuable tool for learning from each other.

The facilitator will guide the session and tell you when to mute/unmute and invite contributions and your valuable thinking. There will be regular breaks when you can turn your camera off and move around.

After the session

You will have been emailed an evaluation form (google forms). Once you have submitted this by pressing the submit button we will email you the powerpoint slides from the session.

Thank you for helping to make this online CPD as effective as possible by agreeing to the above protocols.

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📢 New Blog Post: The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington