Annual Development Programmes

Why prioritise EYs now? Why invest in an Annual Development Programme?

EYs is the FOUNDATION stage, upon which all else is built.

There is a need to improve GLD and reduce attainment gaps for disadvantaged groups.

  • By the age of 3 children are – on average – already nearly a full 1.5 years behind their more affluent peers in their language development
  • Children with poor vocabulary at age 5 are more than twice as likely to be unemployed when they are aged 34. Good early years education is the cornerstone of social mobility. (Unlocking Talent Fulfilling Potential, Dec 2018).

The Covid experience has brought reduced resilience, increased dysregulation, limited language development, changed interactions in and with families etc.

Bristol Early Years Teaching Hub’s Annual Development Programmes involve 8 – 10 sessions with specific areas of focus, provide models that we can offer elsewhere, and can be tailored and targeted to settings.

This is the time to invest in your EYs, invest in your staff and leaders in the EYs, in order to reduce the attainment gaps and combat the impact of Covid.

If you are a local authority, academy trust or nursery chain that would be interested in us running a development programme for you then contact:

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