Dr Helen J Williams is an independent consultant specialising in the learning and teaching of early mathematics. Her work includes writing and researching as well as teaching mathematics alongside colleagues in schools and settings, contributing to ITT and in-service conferences across the UK and Europe. She was awarded lifetime membership of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in 2024, is a member of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, an associate of Early Education and a founder member of the Early Childhood Mathematics group, who contributed the mathematics section to the ‘Birth To Five Matters’ guidance. Helen’s doctorate was completed with Roehampton University in 2014 and explored the mathematical potential of role play. She tweets as @helenjwc and blogs (sporadically) here. Her book “Playful Mathematics for Children 3 to 7.” was published by SAGE in March 2022 and won the Nursery World Professional Book of the Year Award later that year.