Has your early years setting or childminding practice been impacted by resources or programmes from the Bristol & Beyond Stronger Practice Hub?
Whether you’ve implemented insights from one of our webinars, found inspiration in our blog posts, connected with peers at our events, or participated in EEF programmes – including Helicopter Stories, Sound Play, Tales Toolkit, Early Words Together for Childminders, Learning Language and Loving It, Coram’s SCARF Wellbeing, or Dingley’s Promise – we’d love to hear your story!
By sharing your experience, you’ll help us understand what’s working well and inspire others in our early years community.
As a thank you, the first 20 settings to submit their stories will receive a specially curated goodie bag featuring beloved children’s books, including the charming “Oh No George” by Chris Haughton, the heartwarming “Odd Dog Out” by Rob Biddulph, the delightful “Mr Big” by Ed Vere, and the wonderful “So Much” by Trish Cooke.