Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Network

The EDI network is a regional offer open to our 8 local authorities.

It provides opportunities for early-years professionals of all levels and experiences to come together and reflect upon Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in a safe space. There will be opportunities for discussion, reflection, and exploration of how we know and understand the identities of the unique child, consider their families, culture, language and communities and how we can use this knowledge to influence practice in our settings.

As well as EDI network sessions, online and face-to-face, it will include training and input from inspirational speakers, as well as open days or information sharing around relevant themes.

View our Local Offer below.

Join the Bristol & Beyond SPH EDI Network
Join our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Network to receive notifications of upcoming events, along with useful blog posts, links and resources.


Regional Offer

Our Regional Offer, which can be accessed by all childminders in our 8 Local Authorities, will include training and input from inspirational speakers or information sharing around relevant themes. It’s a fabulous opportunity to connect together and consider big-picture thinking.

Local Offer

We invite further suggestions for how we can meet the needs of each locality.

If you have any questions about the above EDI Network events or are interested in supporting the building of an EDI network in your local area please get in touch with:

Simone Barnes (simone.barnes@southglos.gov.uk)

What’s Coming Up Locally

Coming Soon

Join Our Mailing List

Please sign-up to our SPH mailing list so that we can keep you informed of developments and opportunities.

SPECIAL FREE EVENT: Panel Webinar: What Makes Working with Two Year Olds Unique?
🗓️August 1st ⏰7:00pm - 8:00pm
📢 New Blog Post: The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington