Initial Teacher Training

Bristol Early Years Teaching Hub (BEYTH) has a well-established track record in Initial Teacher Education (ITT) for the Early Years 3-7 years.

BEYTH works in partnership with the Cabot Learning Federation SCITT to deliver a high-quality evidence-based teacher training programme. CLF- SCITT is the accrediting body and awards the QTS status. As well as bespoke Early Years training, trainees will learn alongside Primary and Secondary trainees to study pedagogy from 3 to 19 years. Trainees have the option to study for the PGCE qualification which is awarded by UWE. You will be expected to complete two PGCE assignments at master’s level.

BEYTH and CLF hold the learner firmly at the heart of the programme. Together, we are committed to training an emotionally and culturally intelligent workforce through an innovative school-based programme, ensuring there are excellent teachers with the expertise to address disadvantages and improve outcomes for every child.

BEYTH’s Values and CLF’s Core Purpose align well to provide a firm foundation for this partnership.

From September 2022 the Early Years ITT course will be led by CLF, in collaboration with BEYTH. Therefore, the application and administration process are now through CLF.  

The ITT EYs course content and our placements, with well-established Bristol nurseries and schools, will be the same.  

To Apply: Primary (3-7) (P516) with Cabot Learning Federation SCITT 

More information is on the CLF website: Teacher Training (SCITT) Programme – CLF Institute 

Why Choose This Early Years ITT Course?

📢NEW BLOG POST: Trauma Informed? Dispelling the Jargon and How You Can Make a Difference by Terri Mitchell
📢 New Blog Post: The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington