Mentor and Professional Tutor Support

Trainees come from different starting points with a range of experience. At Bristol Early Years Teaching Hub (BEYTH), we are committed to personalised support and respect everyone as a unique individual.

School-based mentors and professional tutors have Early Years expertise.

Trained school-based Mentors will support you during your teaching practice by building a relationship with you based on trust and respect. They will model effective teaching and learning, observe your teaching, and facilitate coaching conversations that identify strengths and targets to support your development.

The Professional Tutor liaises with the mentor to monitor and assess your progress. Your professional tutor is also there to support your emotional well-being.

“I think the most important thing for me was how the adults were really supportive whatever happened.”

“Learning to positively receive feedback has had a huge impact on my practice. At first, I was worried I would feel like I am being criticised all the time and it would have a negative impact on me, but it has been the complete opposite. The way the mentors have given feedback has been so positive and really helped me to try my best and work on areas that needed improvement. “

“Cate is an absolutely wonderful tutor! She is very professional and so so supportive. From the very first week to now, the halfway point she continues to give the Early Years team her full support and her great subject knowledge.”

“I have received such fantastic support from my professional tutors who have always been there for me if needed. The communication between professional tutors is great and I feel I am confident and able to reach out to them if I need to. (I was) concerned about being able to make it through the course due to missed time but the support I have received has been so overwhelming and very much appreciated.”

“I was guided well by my mentor. She observed my lessons, gave feedback as what mistakes I have made, she advised me as how to create an effective lesson plan, kept me motivated and gave me reassurance that I can do it, set a new target after each observation, gave me opportunities and responsibilities to flourish and most of all modelling the strategies and techniques as how to deliver an affective lesson etc.”

Why Choose This Early Years ITT Course?

NEW BLOG POST: Promoting Positive Relationships through Relationship Mapping – Case Studies from the Early Years
📢 New Blog Post: The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington