In order to achieve QTS you will need to teach in the EYFS (3-5 years, Nursery or Reception) and KS1 5-7 years (Year 1 or 2). The majority of our schools are Bristol-based. The majority of the year trainees will be in a host school with a 2-term placement in the alternate school and key stage.
You will learn from a school-based mentor, usually the class teacher, who is there to guide you through your teaching practice. Your school-based experience is complemented by a series of training days and twilight sessions provided by Bristol Early Years Teaching Hub (BEYTH) and Cabot Learning Federation (CLF). You will be in school for four days with a training day on a Friday.
This is a highly successful pattern enabling you to make links between theory, pedagogy, and practice.

“The school centred route was definitely the right choice for me. Practical learning in the classroom has helped me to understand what teaching is actually all about and how it works. My final placement really gave me a clear understanding of managing a large group of children and being the authoritative adult in the classroom whilst maintaining my own values and beliefs.“
“I am absolutely loving everything! I really enjoy that this route into teaching as it is 80% school based, I love being in school, being part of that team, meeting new professionals and children along the way. This is really shaping me as an Early Years teacher, I have gained so much experience and we are only half way through! Also, I love our CPD training days on a Friday, it the perfect balance from being in school learning from my mentor to developing my professional development in all areas.”
“I am enjoying spending time in placement with the children and my mentor and being thoroughly supported to have a go at anything I feel up too trying. I also am enjoying the links between theory and practice and being guided through this as part of the course so clear links can be made.”