Block Play Through a Mathematical Lens

St. Pauls Nursery School and Children’s Centre Little Bishop Street, Bristol, United Kingdom

Stronger Practice Hub Event

Block Play is a fundamental and integral part of early childhood education. So open-ended and full of endless possibilities! This will be a first-hand, hands-on, experiential session with opportunities to playfully explore Block Play.


The Power of Pattern (Maths Session 2) Morning Session

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

The Power of Pattern – how recognising patterns and structures supports all areas of mathematics. Pattern is a defining quality of mathematics, and children’s pattern awareness is a key predictor of later maths learning. Almost all mathematics is based on pattern and structure, and helping children recognise the regularities and relationships in all sorts of patterns helps them “make sense” of mathematics. We will consider the diverse forms of pattern, progression in repeating patterns, and key experiences that support pattern understanding – helping children be pattern spotters and problem-solvers!


The Power of Pattern (Maths Session 2) Evening Session

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

The Power of Pattern – how recognising patterns and structures supports all areas of mathematics. Pattern is a defining quality of mathematics, and children’s pattern awareness is a key predictor of later maths learning. Almost all mathematics is based on pattern and structure, and helping children recognise the regularities and relationships in all sorts of patterns helps them “make sense” of mathematics. We will consider the diverse forms of pattern, progression in repeating patterns, and key experiences that support pattern understanding – helping children be pattern spotters and problem-solvers!


Spatial Reasoning – Mapping the World Around Us (Maths Session 3) Morning Session

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

“Understanding spatial relationships begins at birth” ( Erikson, 2014 ) and we use our bodies and sensory experiences, gesture and language, memory and modelling, pictures and drawings to understand and map the world around us. We will consider the key aspects of spatial reasoning and how best to support children’s learning trajectories through a maths-rich practice and provision. We will touch upon shape and space, mapping and navigation, and visualisation and representation.


Spatial Reasoning – Mapping the World Around Us (Maths Session 3) Evening Session

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

“Understanding spatial relationships begins at birth” ( Erikson, 2014 ) and we use our bodies and sensory experiences, gesture and language, memory and modelling, pictures and drawings to understand and map the world around us. We will consider the key aspects of spatial reasoning and how best to support children’s learning trajectories through a maths-rich practice and provision. We will touch upon shape and space, mapping and navigation, and visualisation and representation.


Maths Matters More Than Ever! Free Mini-Conference With Guest Speaker Dr Sue Gifford and Maths Workshops

Engineers House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

Stronger Practice Hub Event

There is an urgent call to improve children’s outcomes, develop positive attitudes to mathematics, address high levels of maths anxiety in the early years workforce, and develop high-quality, maths-rich, playful pedagogy! Mathematics is empowering and joyful and ALL children are entitled to develop confidence and competence across all areas of maths. Early Years maths is the strongest predictor of later school achievement – more than reading and attention skills. Maths needs to be as much of a priority as language and communication, directly impacting on each child’s educational progress and life chances.


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St. Pauls Children’s Centre: There is no on-site parking but parking is available on the road for £1 an hour for a maximum of 3 hours, or in Cabot Circus which is 5-minute walk from the St. Pauls Children’s Centre.

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📢 New Blog Post: The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington