Teachable Moments – A Session for Childminders With Sarah Neville

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

There are so many moments in day-to-day practice with early years children when providers can pop in a little teaching and support their progress. In this session, we will discuss how to make the best use of teachable moments.


Creativity in the Early Years with Pete Moorhouse

Oldbury Court Children's Centre Frenchay Road, Bristol, United Kingdom

Stronger Practice Hub Event

The session will be focused around creativity. Pete will facilitate a deep dive into the topic in order for childminders to gain a deeper understanding of creativity. You will look at children’s creative development and the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning, tying this into the latest research.


Maths Matters More Than Ever! Free Mini-Conference With Guest Speaker Dr Sue Gifford and Maths Workshops

Engineers House Clifton Down, Bristol, United Kingdom

Stronger Practice Hub Event

There is an urgent call to improve children’s outcomes, develop positive attitudes to mathematics, address high levels of maths anxiety in the early years workforce, and develop high-quality, maths-rich, playful pedagogy! Mathematics is empowering and joyful and ALL children are entitled to develop confidence and competence across all areas of maths. Early Years maths is the strongest predictor of later school achievement – more than reading and attention skills. Maths needs to be as much of a priority as language and communication, directly impacting on each child’s educational progress and life chances.


Creativity in Early Years Practice with Millie Colwey

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

We all know that creativity is important. But how do you define it? And WHY does it matter? This session will help you gain confidence in articulating these questions and provide practical support with curriculum, planning, and assessment through creativity and the arts.


Evidence Informed Practice for Communication and Language

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

The Education Endowment Foundation has developed a summary of evidence-informed approaches to help educators to understand and reflect on their practice. Ali Carrington and Nicola Cherry invites us to reflect and explore what this means for our everyday practice in communication and language. What can we learn from research? What does this look like in our work with children?


Brain Development – A Session for Childminders with Sarah Neville

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

In this session, we will talk about typical brain development and how it impacts children’s play and learning. We learn how to feed the brain through our positive interactions with children and reference relevant research and guidance to support our practice.


Exploring and Growing Fresh Produce in a Childminding Setting (for Childminders)

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

This session is for Childminding settings who would like to improve their understanding of food, in particular vegetables, herbs, spices and fruits. The session is led by Jo Ingleby, the Director of The Children’s Kitchen, a Feeding Bristol project focused on encouraging young children and families to explore, cook and grow fresh produce. The project focuses on the areas of Bristol with the highest levels of food insecurity. Settings working with The Children’s Kitchen are encouraged to move away from traditional baking on cakes and towards child-led food sessions led by curiosity and creativity. 


Evidence Informed Practice for Early Literacy

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

The Education Endowment Foundation has developed a summary of evidence-informed approaches to help educators to understand and reflect on their practice. Ali Carrington and Nicola Cherry invites us to reflect and explore what this means for our everyday practice in early literacy. What can we learn from research? What does this look like in our work with children?


Literacy for Under 5s for Reception Teachers in Schools with Dr Karen Boardman

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

Dr Karen Boardman invites us to think about embracing a multi-modal approach to early literacy and to reflect together on our provision for phonics, digital literacies, early reading and storytelling in early years education. This session will develop some deeper discussions with some provocations and impact on literacy pedagogy.


Sensory Processing in the Early Years: What It is and Why It’s Important with Christina Welsh

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

This training is intended for practitioners and those who work with babies and children in the early years; the training aims to improve their confidence in identifying and supporting those experiencing sensory processing differences. The training will introduce the eight sensory systems and how they may have an impact on a child’s experience of the world around them. Training participants will become familiar with what is meant by ‘sensory processing’ and take part in interactive activities to embed this understanding.


Relationship Mapping With Jacqui Lewis

Online Course

Stronger Practice Hub Event

Using the beautiful simplicity of sociograms, this course will provide you with a visual representation of the relationships with the children in your setting. As early years educators and leaders of pedagogy, you are invited to deconstruct, confront, theorise, and potentially think otherwise about the significance of positive and nurturing relationships within the setting.


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St. Pauls Children’s Centre: There is no on-site parking but parking is available on the road for £1 an hour for a maximum of 3 hours, or in Cabot Circus which is 5-minute walk from the St. Pauls Children’s Centre.

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📢 New Blog Post: The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington