North Somerset EPS Training Library – Early Years Social, Emotional and Mental Health
North Somerset's Educational Psychology Service has a fantastic online training library with free online training videos for early years practitioners, childminders, and education staff. They have two playlists for educators, parents, and caregivers of children in the...
Making a Difference to Children Disadvantaged Through Poverty by Simone Barnes
The term disadvantage is one that is well known amongst early years professionals. The children’s commissioner describes it as “a term used to describe children facing barriers to success” but also acknowledges that the definition comes with complexities due to the many ways it can manifest itself. Despite the complexity of the definition, there is no doubt that we have a vital role in tackling disadvantage in the early years. Here, our focus will be on those disadvantaged through poverty.
Launching new Leadership CPD, Dingleys Promise and Helicopter Stories
Using Evidence to Strengthen Your Early Years Leadership The West Somerset Research School, in Collaboration with Bristol & Beyond Stronger Practice Hub and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is excited to offer an enriching professional development...
Are We Aware of Babies’ Scientific and Mathematical Thinking? By Elizabeth Carruthers
Dr Elizabeth Carruthers is a researcher and author. Her main research interests are leadership, teacher practitioner research and she has published extensively on early mathematics. Her work on Children’s Mathematical Graphics along with her co-author, Dr. Maulfry...
The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington
With over 25 years of experience in early education, Ali Carrington delves into the critical role of communication and language in fostering a lifelong love for learning through play. The blog post highlights the importance of creating engaging and supportive environments that cater to children’s developmental needs, emphasising evidence-based approaches like storytelling, sound-letter mapping, and interactive reading to unlock the ‘magic code’ of literacy. Ali’s insights offer educators valuable strategies to inspire and motivate young learners on their path to becoming proficient readers and writers.
Launch of the Much Anticipated Eight to Relate
Bristol Early Years and Bristol Early Years Teaching Hub are very excited to launch the much anticipated PSED audit tool, Eight to Relate. We hope that Early Years managers, leaders and practitioners in Bristol will join us for an evening at Engineers House.
SPH Highlights and What’s Coming Up in 2024
We can’t quite believe that we have been a Stronger Practice Hub for just over one year now! Recently we have been reflecting on our journey and achievements and we’d like to share with you a few highlights and tell you about what’s coming up in the new year.
The Power of Inquiry – Adopting a Culture of Practitioner Research and Evidence-informed Practice by Jacqui Lewis
Do you want to learn how to create a culture of inquiry in your early years setting? Do you want to explore the power of practitioner research and evidence-informed practice? Do you want to hear from an expert in the field of inclusive early childhood education? In this blog post, Jacqui Lewis shares her insights and experiences on these topics.
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