BEYTH has two wonderful CPD courses coming up in Term 2.
Download and share the Term 2 CPD Poster.

An In-depth Look at a Trauma Informed Approach in the EYs: 7th Nov (face to face)
This is a whole day of face to face training. We wanted to give people time and space to explore this difficult topic. You will consider the impact of trauma, reflect on behaviours, explore the benefits of attachment and connection, discuss how you can underpin your practice with trauma informed principles, and gain ideas and practical activities to share with children and families.
Wellbeing at the Heart of EYs Leadership, with Kate Moxley: 21st Nov (online)

There are so many challenges in the EYs and we are aware that people’s mental health is suffering. This course is for leaders and managers or staff who would like to be mental health champions. It will help you to put staff wellbeing at the heart of everyday actions, pedagogy and practice.
Kate Moxley is the founder of the Wellness for All training company and the bestselling author of ‘A Guide to Mental Health for Early Years Educators’.
Download and share the Kate Moxley Poster.
BEYTH has other online courses coming up in Term 2, namely the:
- New to EYFS bundle, starting on 3rd November
- Conquering the 3 I’s (Intent, Implementation and Impact) bundle, starting on 24th November
Book courses here: