Author: Ali

Making a Difference to Children Disadvantaged Through Poverty by Simone Barnes

The term disadvantage is one that is well known amongst early years professionals. The children’s commissioner describes it as “a term used to describe children facing barriers to success” but also acknowledges that the definition comes with complexities due to the many ways it can manifest itself. Despite the complexity of the definition, there is no doubt that we have a vital role in tackling disadvantage in the early years. Here, our focus will be on those disadvantaged through poverty.

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Webinar: Brilliant Bilingualism with Dr Rose Drury

The webinar will explore young bilingual children’s use of first language(s) and learning of a new language in the Early Years. The advantages of growing up learning more than one language will be discussed, and strategies will be developed for fostering children’s bilingualism and supporting and assessing the learning of English. It will help make links with current policy guidance and discuss how to put this into practice with bilingual children and their families to develop strategies for supporting bilingual children’s learning.

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Webinar: A Reflective Approach to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in EYs Settings With Dr Sharon Colilles

Reflecting on her own story and being guided by her doctoral research, Dr Sharon Colilles will support educators across all disciplines in early childhood to further develop awareness and understanding about how play can act as a vehicle for reflection on participatory pedagogy and practice.

She will reflect on how the environment can be an ideal space in which to value and validate children’s diverse ethnic backgrounds and how culturally appropriate resources can facilitate rich conversations about a positive sense of self with young children.

The webinar will support early years educators to reflect on principled approaches for inclusion and how adaptations in pedagogical approach can foster a strong sense of self, sense of belonging and sense of wellbeing for the diverse learner.

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Webinar: Creativity in the Baby Room With Dr Mona Sakr

In this online workshop, we’ll focus on practical ways to bring more musical creativity into the baby room daily. Dr Mona Sakr will offer starting points for bringing more musical creativity into the baby room. Then, there will be the chance to work together to develop practical ideas and tips that you can take back to your place of work to make a difference immediately. We know that musical creativity is something that binds babies, children and adults together – it’s part of what makes us who we are. So, finding ways to be more musically creative with babies is part of developing a happier and healthier baby room.

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Webinar: Kerry Murphy – Collaborative Support for Neurodivergent and Disabled Children (Curiosity Circle 2)

On November 8, 2023, the Bristol Early Years Teaching Hub hosted an enlightening webinar titled “Collaborative Support for Neurodivergent and Disabled Children”. Led by guest trainer Kerry Murphy, the session emphasized cultural competence, personalized support, and the value of parents’ insights. The recorded on-demand playback video is available for practitioners seeking stronger practice in early years education.

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Webinar: Kerry Murphy – Understanding and Addressing Ableism in the Early Years (Curiosity Circle 1)

The Curiosity Circle webinar, led by Kerry Murphy on October 10, 2023, provided an insightful exploration into combating ableism in early education. Attendees engaged with case studies and discussions to understand ableism’s impact on neurodivergent and disabled children. The session, now available for replay, offers strategies for educators to foster Neurodiversity Affirming Zones of Practice, ensuring inclusive and supportive learning environments.

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The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington

With over 25 years of experience in early education, Ali Carrington delves into the critical role of communication and language in fostering a lifelong love for learning through play. The blog post highlights the importance of creating engaging and supportive environments that cater to children’s developmental needs, emphasising evidence-based approaches like storytelling, sound-letter mapping, and interactive reading to unlock the ‘magic code’ of literacy. Ali’s insights offer educators valuable strategies to inspire and motivate young learners on their path to becoming proficient readers and writers.

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Launch of the Much Anticipated Eight to Relate

Bristol Early Years and Bristol Early Years Teaching Hub are very excited to launch the much anticipated PSED audit tool, Eight to Relate. We hope that Early Years managers, leaders and practitioners in Bristol will join us for an evening at Engineers House.

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SPH Highlights and What’s Coming Up in 2024

We can’t quite believe that we have been a Stronger Practice Hub for just over one year now! Recently we have been reflecting on our journey and achievements and we’d like to share with you a few highlights and tell you about what’s coming up in the new year.

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SPECIAL FREE EVENT: Panel Webinar: What Makes Working with Two Year Olds Unique?
🗓️August 1st ⏰7:00pm - 8:00pm
📢 New Blog Post: The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington