Category: Webinar

Webinar: Evidence Informed Practice for Communication and Language With Nicki Cherry and Ali Carrington

In this insightful webinar recording, Ali Carrington and Nicola Cherry explored the Education Endowment Foundation’s summary of evidence-informed approaches for early years education. They guided participants through practical reflections on implementing effective communication and language practices in early childhood settings.

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Webinar: Early Maths Matters with Dr Sue Gifford

At the Bristol & Beyond Stronger Practice Hub’s “Maths Matters More Than Ever!” free mini-conference, guest speaker Dr Sue Gifford (Professor Emerita in the University of Roehampton’s School of Education) celebrated all that is creative and playful about early mathematics and dug deeper into pattern, problem-solving and spatial reasoning.

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Webinar: Musical Creativity In The Baby Room With Dr Mona Sakr

In this online workshop, we’ll focus on practical ways to bring more musical creativity into the baby room daily. Dr Mona Sakr will offer starting points for bringing more musical creativity into the baby room. Then, there will be the chance to work together to develop practical ideas and tips that you can take back to your place of work to make a difference immediately. We know that musical creativity is something that binds babies, children and adults together – it’s part of what makes us who we are. So, finding ways to be more musically creative with babies is part of developing a happier and healthier baby room.

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Panel Webinar: Eight to Relate

Join our free Live Panel Webinar on October 14th and discover Eight to Relate, a pioneering auditing tool designed to enhance personal, social, and emotional aspects of Early Years settings. This holistic approach places connection and relationships at the core of practice.

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Vodcast: A Walk Through the EEF Early Years Evidence Store

A Professional Conversation About Evidence-Informed Practice

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has created an Evidence Store, which includes six key themes with evidence-informed approaches for supporting young children’s learning and development in the early years.

We have created a Vodcast which provides a “Walk through the Evidence Store”, with suggestions and guidance about how to make best use of this resource.

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Webinar: Thinking About Staff Meetings with Cassie Holland

This quick-watch webinar (only 22 minutes) gets us thinking about how to make the most of the precious time we spend together as teams at staff meetings in early years settings. Throughout the webinar, we use the Education Endowment Foundation’s guide to effective professional development in the early years to deepen our thinking about staff meetings.

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Webinar: A Reflective Approach to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in EYs Settings With Dr Sharon Colilles

Reflecting on her own story and being guided by her doctoral research, Dr Sharon Colilles will support educators across all disciplines in early childhood to further develop awareness and understanding about how play can act as a vehicle for reflection on participatory pedagogy and practice.

She will reflect on how the environment can be an ideal space in which to value and validate children’s diverse ethnic backgrounds and how culturally appropriate resources can facilitate rich conversations about a positive sense of self with young children.

The webinar will support early years educators to reflect on principled approaches for inclusion and how adaptations in pedagogical approach can foster a strong sense of self, sense of belonging and sense of wellbeing for the diverse learner.

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Webinar: Creativity in the Baby Room With Dr Mona Sakr

In this online workshop, we’ll focus on practical ways to bring more musical creativity into the baby room daily. Dr Mona Sakr will offer starting points for bringing more musical creativity into the baby room. Then, there will be the chance to work together to develop practical ideas and tips that you can take back to your place of work to make a difference immediately. We know that musical creativity is something that binds babies, children and adults together – it’s part of what makes us who we are. So, finding ways to be more musically creative with babies is part of developing a happier and healthier baby room.

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🌟GIVEAWAY🌟Win a Block Play Kit and Book - For UK Primary Schools with a Nursery Class
📢 New Blog Post: The Magic of Emerging Literacy in the Early Years by Ali Carrington